Rega P25 Setup Question


I feel kinda stupid asking this, but here goes:

I just got a rega p25. It has an expressimo counterweight on it. My old technics table had both a weight adjustment and an 'anti-skating' adjustment. The manual says there are adjustments for both of these on the rega as well, but I only see the one dial on the tonearm.

When I put the counter weight all the way forward, towards the tonearm base, and install my cartridge, the tonearm balances when I set the dial to 1. My cartridge recommends 1.8-2.2 grams of weight, so I put the dial at 3, just after where a big dot is on the dial.

My question is: Is this setup "correct" ... I'd expected an anti-skate control, but is this all built in to the one dial, or am I missing something? Is the dial for just the weight, or both ?

Any knowledge or suggestions much appreciated.
The dial is for anti-skate. You need an external tracking force gauge to set the VTF.
I'm pretty sure the dial on the side of the arm is for tracking force and the "slide" on the base of the arm is for anti-skate. That's the way mine is setup.

It is REALLY preferred that you don't use the spring loaded VTF dial at all. Leave it a ZERO and get a tracking force gauge to set the cartridge at the desired 2.2 grams by sliding the counterweight forward and/or back to achieve this. Your cartridge might be to light to accomplish this without using the VTF dial though. You could add an extra weight at the cartridge end.
Here is an excerpt from the manual:

Cartridge tracking force adjustment

1. Ensure that the tracking force adjustment knob is set to the zero position.

2. With the cartridge permanently fitted in the correct position adjust the main balance
weight so that the arm is “floating” with the stylus just 1mm clear of a record.
(This adjustment should be made with the anti-skating knob to zero. Note: Even
at zero there will be some small residual anti-skating force. Therefore it may also
be necessary to gently touch the arm bearing carrier to stop the arm moving outwards).

3. Rotate the tracking force adjustment knob to the required tracking force. If in
doubt it is usually advisable to use a tracking force that corresponds with the
upper limits of the cartridge manufacturer’s range.

Anti - Skating (bias) adjustment

Set the bias adjustment knob to the same number as the tracking force. Note:
This is not critical and a figure of 1-1.5g will normally be suitable for moving magnet
cartridges and 1.5-2g for most moving coil cartridges.