Oppo 105 stock vs Oppo 105 Modwright

Has anyone heard the Oppo 105 stock and the Oppo 105 Modwright?

Please describe the differences in sound.
I have the ModWright Oppo 105 and can switch between the stock and modified very easily. The ModWright tube mod with the right tubes is on another level. The ModWright capacitors and beefy external power supply brings a fleshiness and wholeness to the music and with more detail. To me me the ModWright brings more emotion to the 105.
I HAVE directly compared the OPPO 105 to a 95 Modwright in a system somewhat unfamiliar, but the results were clearly evident. The Modwright is just as Talk2me notes, more whole and full and MUCH more dynamic. The mids, particularly vocals took on a more natural presence and then of course the dimensionality was enhanced which you would expect from a tube output vs op amp. I did perceive a notable improvement from the stock OPPO 95 to the OPPO 105. I can't imagine how much better the Modded 105 is from my Modded OPPO 95 with the Bybee rail and audio magic pulse gen zx adds to the mod. The Modwright is just in a different realm from either stock version which are VERY good at the price.
I hope people don't base their decision on buying the Oppo 105 based on the review. I don't think the player sounds anything like what the reviewer says. I never liked his reviewing in the past for other components as well.
Actually Jwm I think he covered the bases by using in different systems. My problem with this guy is that he isn't always concise in what he says and I don't always "get" his lingo, "to the left" does that mean lean, fast or warm or what combination thereof to thee I ask? Too metaphysical in his prose for my tastes, I don't want to read poetry I want to read a concise review. I have listened to my Modwright in 4 different systems and while it is a GREAT choice in mine I wouldn't necessarily choose it for the other 3 which I considered too warm and full sounding to start with although in EVERY case the Modwright was a significant improvement over what they were using and they all agreed.

I would expect there are other better choices besides this one for some systems and tastes. It delivered EXACTLY what I hoped it would in my system with the added benefit of a much lower noise floor which I DIDN'T expect to the degree realized with those Bybee rails I am guessing. I was very deliberate prior to purchasing this unit based on what others said, not the least of all yourself. Of course I'm assuming there are general similarities between the 105 and 95 aside from the improvements going to the 105.
Tubegroover, I just am not a fan of that author for 6 Moons. I don't value his opinions, just like I don't value Jonathan Valin's as well. Of course someone could have a Modright 105 and not love it in his system. One can not just throw in a component like say a Rockport or Wilson Speaker and think nirvana is reached. One has to work at the system in all aspects speakers, electronics, and front end to make everything work in unison and get the best out of it.