Suitable cartridge fore Schroeder reference arm

Help needed, anyone. Have an excellent Schroeder ref. arm with ebony wand. Am currently using an Ortofon Rhoman wich is fine but i think its damaged so i started looking fore replacement.
The more i read the more confusing it is. Here is my question: Since the ebony wand is heavy should i go fore heavy pickups with high compliance but moderate VTF say 1.5 grams or am i not thinking right. I listen to all kinds of music but preferably acoustic, jazz, R&B, classical but also rock. Maby difficult to find one cartridge that does it all.
The rest of my chain is Holfi (there top of the line) electronics so my riia is one that can handle any load.
Would be greatful fore suggestions and others experience with suitable cartridges for my arm.
best regards
Thanks Thom,
Very good input, is the SPU royal N a good allrounder? seens i listen to all kinds of music. The Rhoman is fine but it tends to bee more of picking details rather than holding together the musical nerve.
Thanks again
The SPU Royal N has a Dynavector flavor to it - very rich in tone colors and very dynamic.

It is very strange sounding for the first 15 hours or so - very disjointed until that point. Things begin to cohere fairly quickly after that. It's very balanced sounding, but like Dynavectors, your system will bark at you if there's something wrong with it.

In talking about it with Frank (several years ago), he commented that the Royal-N is a better cartridge than anything Ortofon has made since.

It's a bit touchy about VTA adjustment (replicant stylus profile), but I believe the modern Ortofons have this characteristic as well.

I mistakenly disposed of this cartridge because I blamed the messanger. I was running a pair of speakers that I later learned had a 4dB peak - starting at 650 Hz.

In visiting Kevin Brooks and his wonderful Ales based system, I realized what I had parted with. Kevin was running his Royal-N on a Micro MAX-287 arm sitting on one of my Stelvios.

i ran an zyx universe on a Schroeder Medel One, a fine combination. You want to keep the Schroeder adjusted to get the best out of it.
Thanks a lot Thom, very useful comments, i can confirm the VTA trouble with my Ortofon Rhoman and ad Azimuthsensitive too.
I found an English dealer " cool gales" that stocks the Royale fore 734 stirling pounds, fair price i think since german sights sell fore 1200 Euro.
Thanks also G_m_c fore youre input, could you elaborate on the adjusting part about the Shroeder since i seem to get different result with different settings. I have double string and that seems to generate to much antiskating , maybe i'l try single string instead.
Cheers and may we all come to music nirvana, systemvise, that is.
Re: the adjustment comment... I found that I needed to check vta on the Schroeder as my old loft goes through temperature and humidity changes regularly. The Schroeder One seemed influenced by the extremes more than the Tripanar. It is not difficult to do the checking and adjustment except that I am just lazy. The ZYX (and any great cartridge) can really sing when dialed in, and in combination with the Schroeder, you are in for nirvana. It is one of the great arms. Best of luck and enjoy.