Suitable cartridge fore Schroeder reference arm

Help needed, anyone. Have an excellent Schroeder ref. arm with ebony wand. Am currently using an Ortofon Rhoman wich is fine but i think its damaged so i started looking fore replacement.
The more i read the more confusing it is. Here is my question: Since the ebony wand is heavy should i go fore heavy pickups with high compliance but moderate VTF say 1.5 grams or am i not thinking right. I listen to all kinds of music but preferably acoustic, jazz, R&B, classical but also rock. Maby difficult to find one cartridge that does it all.
The rest of my chain is Holfi (there top of the line) electronics so my riia is one that can handle any load.
Would be greatful fore suggestions and others experience with suitable cartridges for my arm.
best regards
I have used a Soundsmith SMMC1 with great results on a DPS arm, and more recently the Miyajima Shilabe as reviewed on 10 Audio. Previous to that a Transfiguration Orpheus. All matched up good with the Schroeder Arm.
Thanks G_m_c, i here you and understand what you mean. Since the Schroeder is mostly wood and 12" at that. Thanks fore your advice.
Thanks also Marty_t so it seems that the reference could sound pretty good with al kinds of cartridges. It is interesting to heare that it can "sing" with a high compliance cart. as the soundsmith SMMC1. But the more i read about SPU Royale N the more i lean towards one. But hey since the royale N is fairly priced there might bee money over fore a Sounsmith or a Musikl Man as nice backup.
Thanks again all fore good inputs and keep'm coming i'm happy fore all help i can get.
Great community i didn't think i'd get so much comments in such a short time.
Thank you all, best regards.
I have had a lot of cartridges in my Schroeder tonearms over the years, and haven't yet found a combination which did not work. I have used Lyra, Kiseki, Koetsu, Accuphase, Tubaphon/EMT, Linn so far. What I noticed was that the Schroeder is able to tame fast and revealing cartridges, which sound ringer in other tonearms. Currently I am listening to Accuphase AC-2 in my 10.5 inch Schroeder model No.1, latest version.

Would I choose under current production cartridges, I would surely include Soundsmith and Miyajima in the list I would try. When I visited Frank Schroeder last year, I could listen to both Moving Iron as well as the Strain Gauge in Schroeder tonearms. I liked both.

best regards, Hartmut
Thanks Hartmut fore youre input, I appreciate it since you have a Schroeder arm youreself. Do you have any favorit cartridge among the ones you have tried. One that you remember especially.
Best regards.