Raven One Owners - Last Table?

Okay...if you're an audiophile then there's probably never a last one of anything!

Intro: (Please skip to "Where I'm at" if not interested)

I just joined Audiogon because I need a new analog front end. I'm a retired Locksmith hence, "Kennythekey." My first choice was Keyman but that was taken.

My first "stereo," was separate components that I built from a kit sold by Lafayette Electronics. It was crap but I got to use a soldering iron...I was a kid and I was hooked.

All this means, is that I have to save for quite some time before I can buy anything. My upgrade path is slow and my other components are about ten years old. Also, the soldering iron never made me an engineer so my ears are everything.

Where I'm at:
If you read my intro you know I have a slow component turnover rate. That's probably why I posted Last Table?

Besides the new front end, I also want to replace my CJ Premier 11a amp but that may take awhile if I buy the Raven. I also can't afford an arm right now with the Raven and would probably install my old SME 309. I plan on holding onto my BAT VK-5i preamp, McIntosh MR71 tuner, and Thiel 3.6s. I have a relatively small listening room, and the music that makes me happiest is small club live jazz and vocal.

Given my upgrade turnover rate and existing components, is the Raven One a good choice for me...a keeper...last table? I was originally leaning towards the Origin Live Resolution or Aries 3 before I found your thread and joined Audiogon. Additionally, where I'm at none of this stuff is available and I can't afford to travel for listening.
off subject but since my amp is also a Premier 11a was wondering what you were thinking of upgrading to and why. What sort of music do you mostly listen to, for me, it is almost all acoustic.
I'm looking for greater bass control and authority, as well as better spacial focus on the musicians.

Depending on what I wind up spending on my front end will dictate how long before I do the amp upgrade. If this was today, I'd probably go for a tubey sounding solid state such as Pass or Bryston. The Bryston warranty is appealing for someone who holds onto equipment for awhile.

Yes, acoustic jazz that's live is my favorite, but give me well recorded/performed female vocal and I don't care what type it is. I started out with Rock but I feel that the components I own and the space where I listen from, have played a role in influencing my choices.

My old analog front end has been down for quite some time and though I have found some good stuff to listen to on CD, I can't wait to get back.

I took a leap of faith and bought a R1 unheard and at the time unreviewed. There is a local VPI dealer in my hometown. I had an LP12 for 16 years because it had a reliable and extensive dealer network as does VPI. So i hold onto my equipment for a longtime too. In short I couldn't be mnore pleased with the purchse. You should call Jeff Catalano at High Water Sound in NY. After hearing many tables over the years, there are subtle differences but for the way I like to listen to music, it's the ideal platform for me.
Thank you. My concern with the OL Resolution is the plastic motor shaft...at least that's what it looks like. That's why the VPI was appealing...longevity? Who knows, it seems like they've beaten those models to death...tweeker's heaven though.

The R1 looks like it has fantasic build quality. However, I do worry that it may disappear into obscurity...parts?

Do you have a feeling about the R1's sustainable factor?
I think the Raven One would be an excellent choice given your listening preferences and tendency to hold on to equipment for a long time. The flexibility of the Raven would serve you well. For example, the ability to add a second arm/cartridge if you own a lot of mono LP's.

I concur with what others have said about Jeff Catalano at High Water Sound; absolutely first class. He also carries other equipment that may work well for you given your preference for a "tubey sound".

I've only had the opportunity to audition the Raven One at the RMAF, but both years it sounded excellent and it offers great bang for the buck. You definitely a large measure of the bigger Raven AC. Good luck!