Where to buy record cleaning fluids

Elusivedisc and eBay are out of aivs fluid?

Is it discontinued?

Any recommendation especially discount!
Yes; It's always a good idea to know the subject matter before posting.
And I do.
Most certainly.
After using this method with better success than all the alternatives in cleaning vinyl LP's (exept ultra sound) for more than 30 years.

Theoreticaly, a bumblebee can't fly.
Figure that out...............in theory.

"Dry LP's with a drilling machine as a kind of centrifuge."

That's something I'd like to see. Please post a video on YouTube.
>>And I do.<<

Your posts suggest otherwise.

I said the theortical KB value. If you knew anything about chemistry you'd know that only aromatic and aliphatic solvents' KB values can be quanitfied. Esters, glycol ethers, alcohols, ketones, etc. can only be estimated or theorized.

So the bumblebee thing means what?

You're way over your head here.
The bumblebee thing means that you might have a lot of theoretical knowledge but I have the real experiences from living it out.

No machine wash or chemicals have prooven better yet.........in practice.


I think what dolph is saying, is that as usual your inflamatory and degrading remarks are best left to the those in your circle that have chosen to deal with them/you. When I was looking to find a record cleaning solution recipe, I gave not a care as to the "values" of any of the ingredients, I just wanted something that worked and did not harm my records.