Upgrade from Cambridge Audio 840C to lessen glare?

I've read the archive posts, but looking for added input if I may.
Opinion on the sound of the CA 840C seems varied; some saying it's cold or overly-factual, others (like the older TAS review) saying it was musical, especially compared to the newer 851C.

In my system I enjoyed the 840C and its connection flexibility, until I made an amp upgrade. Now I find it harsh in the upper registers, with a glare or hardness that after a while is fatiguing. Especially surprising to me, since I'm playing through Dynaudio speakers that as a brand are known to be mellower at the higher frequencies. (The amp is staying.)

Requesting recommendation on a player up to say $3k-4k or so (new or used) that holds this level of resolution, but brings a smoother upper end?

Also, must have at least one digital input. (Am currently using both of the 840C's digital in's.)
Would also consider a separate DAC, but I know that's another whole playing field..

Speakers: Dynaudio Focus 340
Amp: Simaudio W-7
Pre: Parasound JC-2
CD: CA 840C
Wire: Nordost white lightning
Interconnects: Audio Art
We have put the 840 through a lot-it was never harsh or bright. I would do 2 things first: 1-run your new amp for at least 100 hours to break it in. Don't even listen during that time. 2-If that doesn't work, try swapping out as much as possible such as interconnects, power cords...

It's very likely that the components may not be in total harmony? You may actually find that a 100 cd player will sound less harsh...until you realize you are missing something.
Thank you for all the replies so far!
I should have added: the amp is not new, I am in fact the third owner now of this Simaudio W-7. It's awesome, and has found quite a bit more detail in recordings for me.

Previous amp was a Parasound Halo A-21. It was good, but does seem to be of a different quality tier than a Simaudio SS amp.

Dynaudio + Simaudio is a classic combination from everything I have seen at shops, and read on forums like this one. So i don't have much suspicion of ill-fit in that regard.

thanks again everyone
Before you dump your CDP, have you listened to alternative cables. Some Nordost cables can easily take some SS systems over the top. If it ain't that, then I would explore some CDP's with a bit warmer tone. Some of the Marantz units can add a bit of warmth to SS.....Or you can get a tubed CDP.

While reading your post, my immediate thought was, is the amp new? Then I got to the system, and like Newbee, I'm thinking Nordost cables. A few years ago, for lack of a better word, I was married to Nordost speaker cables. I used Blue Heaven and up the line higher than I will admit to with various speakers. Finally, when I tried something different, I realized how smooth extended treble should sound. Some have great results with Nordost, and others, like me, describe them as lean or bright or unrefined treble.
Try isolating and conditioning the ac to your digital. Your new amp is simply be revealing what has always been there.
The better your system becomes the more you need digital isolation. Your player is very good. Just give it the very clean power & isolation needed. You will be very well rewarded.