01-30-09: LicoricepizzaWell if I understand you correctly at on point in your trouble shooting you isolated, disconnected, everything from the inputs of the preamp and the buzz was still present. Correct?
The preamp also has a 2 pronged plug. The buzz is coming from the speakers, and is volume dependent
The buzz varies with gain of the volume control.
Did you check the ics that connect the preamp to the power amp for corrosion both ends RCA plug to RCA jacks of the equipment?
Unplug and plug them back in several times and see if that helps.
Try a different pair of ics.
When the ics are plugged in try gently moving the ics plugs at the jack connection at the preamp first then at the power amp.
When you touch the preamp with your hand and the buzz goes away, jmho, that sure sounds like a signal ground problem to me.
Your body is not acting like an earth ground. I think it is working more like a capacitor. Maybe an electronics EE will comment more on that one.