Sumiko Blackbird, Shindo and EAR

Hi've recently purchased a Sumiko blackbird. It produces the best sound I've never heard in my system: Shindo monbrison preamp, EAR 890 amp, Quads ESL57 + gradient woofer. If you wonder about a perfect match, this is one. A lot of air, great warmth, and yet amazing detail.
You might mention what type of table/arm you have, since it might not be a perfect match in different tonearms.

Glad to hear you're loving the sound. I've heard that the Blackbird is an excellent match for my tonearm (VPI JMW-9 sig.)

The interesting thing is that I have a cheap Denon DP-500 turntable that I bought new just a few months ago, and the tonearm is the stock one. At some point I plan to upgrade on this front, but I am really happy with what I currently ears hear a very natural music (this morning I was playing Sarah Vaughan's American singer, and it looked like having her in the room)