Fremer/SSM w/Rim Drive

Any thoughts/opinions on his review in the latest Stereophile?
Note the ad copy for the new VPI 'Classic':

*New investment cast aluminum high inertia platter with precision inverted bearing.*

-Acrylic platters now suck

*Speed stability on par with a master tape - Due to the rigid mounting of motor - platter - tonearm there isn't any random motion to cause speed instabilities.*

-SAMAs now suck, rim drives are irrelevant, SDS no longer necessary

*Absolutely solid, non-resonating laminated one-piece chassis holding all comonents(sic). This is not a wooden frame; it is a solid laminated 2.5" thick MDF block with 11 gauge steel attached to the top with silicone and long bolts through all the layers. The chassis weighs 30 pounds and is totally non-resonant.*

-Acrylic/steel-or-aluminum plinths now suck

It seems VPI, in it's attempt to be everything to everyone, keeps a firm finger on the diy/small manufacturer scene, and produces products designed not for a company 'sound', but to cash in on what's popular at the moment. 'Hey, idlers are a happening scene, let's copy Teres and produce a rim drive'. 'Oh, man, lot's of diy-ers building massy, CLD plinths-we'd better jump on that bandwagon'. Etc.

Looking at what Albert Porter et al are doing with the SP-10s, does anyone wonder if VPI isn't working on a direct drive?

As per the poster above, even the dealers don't know how to present this scatter-shot tt approach to a prospective customer. Even given the basketball-sized grain of salt one must take with the Fremer review, how does his analysis square with this VPI statement for the 'Classic':

*The sound of the “Classic Turntable” is fast, clean, wide open, with deep powerful bass, and unequalled in speed stability. The “Classic Turntable” gives any turntable made regardless of price a serious "run for the money." This completely new design has produced the simplest and one of the best sounding VPI tables to date.*

Strange stuff.
Give it 2 years or so and a new generation of belt drive tables will be introduced to address the perceived shortcomings of direct contact between the motor and platter.
I have not read the review yet but MF in the past has not been a big fan of the VPI truntables due to the acrylic platters.

Some here that I respect (DougDeacon for one) have tried the (Teres) rim drive, and found it lacking relative to their tape drive. What I'd like to see VPI produce is a motor pulley designed for tape drive, and a bearing system to wrap the tape around most of the circumference of the platter. This would be relatively inexpensive (well, by VPI/audiophile amounts) and would be a nice upgrade for those of us who a) have already invested heavily in VPI decks and b) don't have the alternative of the rim drive (Aries). Yes, this could be done *somewhat* diy, but the cost to have a machinist build you *at least* one iteration (due to design changes and teething issues, I'd assume you'd need more than one) is pretty prohibitive.
I guess he wants to tell us that a connection from motor vibration directly to the bearing is much better for sound than eliminating them via belt.