Upgrade turntable or buy a record cleaning machine

I am looking to either upgrade my Music Hall MMF 7.1 to something like a nottingham 294 or VPI

Keep the music hall and buy a really good record cleaning machine. Any suggestions?
I agree with the others who recommend a RCM. No matter how good or bad a TT is, a record collection needs to be cleaned properly.

I've never heard the MH 7.1, but most reviews indicate that it is a good unit. You can probably enjoy it to its fullest potential with a good and inexpensive RCM (Nitty Griity) + a cartridge and tonearm upgrade if necessary.
If the turntable is the mmf-7.1 then it already comes with a decent tonearm. It's the Pro-Ject 9cc tonearm:

Pro-Ject 9cc tonearm

Keep the tonearm! It's one of the better features of the turntable.
