If the problem is consistent with many records, then it's likely a setup problem.
My first question is - What is your TT/arm/cartridge?
Second question: Are you using an anti-skate adjustment?
Third: Does the problem occur if you disable anti-skate?
The reason I am honing in on anti-skate is because it varies across the record. The skating force is highest on the outer part of the record, lowest on the inner part. If you have a LOT of A/S being applied, it may be over-compensating too much on the last few tracks.
My first question is - What is your TT/arm/cartridge?
Second question: Are you using an anti-skate adjustment?
Third: Does the problem occur if you disable anti-skate?
The reason I am honing in on anti-skate is because it varies across the record. The skating force is highest on the outer part of the record, lowest on the inner part. If you have a LOT of A/S being applied, it may be over-compensating too much on the last few tracks.