of the so called modern tables seem to have a design that is very similar to many of the vintage tables. Is the arm design better now, then say a dynavector 501?I am afraid, there is no simple "yes" or "no"
From my experience most of today is based on marketing (not all, but most). Dealers will say, that the technology today is much more advanced but for what is it good, when the brain "behind" is not existing. High end is a real special chapter. Even the magazines (specially TAS) are not writing for the customer, they look for ads.
In the 80+'s a few units were made which still surpass most of today (Micro Seiki turntable, Fidelity Research, Cotter, the original ML-gear etc.) but on the other side, even today lots of people think, that the Linn LP12 is a great Turntable.
Most from today is overhyped average stuff. When I remember JV when he gave the PC-1 cartridge the "TAS Award for the Product of the Year" when it wasn't available" (and that's a real cruel sounding cartridge), his Nordost Cable "story" then you know how it "works" today....
we can be happy that Internet is available and that the discriminated Audiophile can select some info froms users. After a while he is able to select the info being helpful fom him or not.
On the other side, I met Audiophiles with super expensive Systems which are not able to create a holographic picture from the life recording. And the owners are not interested in that. They love their Altar and that's enough. All other info confuses them.
Design is helpful for selling. Good, but ugly has no advantage to average but good looking.
You see, each his own :)