VPI turntable repairs

Does anyone know who can do repaires to a UPS damaged turntable ....I have sent it back to VPI but they don't seem to want to repair it....I'm kind of at a loss as to what to do with it......Thanks for any help
Well I and others have had different experiences with VPI on the phone, mine mostly positive, others I know, the opposite.
You might try again, and ask for Mike, or just as you say
"move on". It is a big world out there, and plenty of ways to listen to music, vinyl and digital. VPI is a small company, that is selling probably about as much as they can make, and at times seem to get overwhelmed by the amount of interest. I don't think it is because they don't care. On the other hand maybe when you are selling more then you can build, you may develop an attitude ? You will have to decide how much you want to take I guess !! 2 sides to every story.
Besides the exact Model of Tuntable . We need to know what Tonearm is mounted on it . If it is something other than a VPI you might look elsewere for help .
Markd51: Actually mine is a Aeries with the 10.5 tonearm.........I was hoping maybe someone in the west did repairs on these......
Tubeo: Mine is a Aeries I with the 10.5 tonearm.... I would need some parts for the tonearm base and the Plinth is scratched.....I can't tell what the Plinth is made of or I would repair it myself......
From your original post, you state that you need a "repair". Then your replies seem to state that your table has scratches...this is a "cosmetic" issue, not a repair issue per se. Have you tried using the table and listening to it? These are wonderful tables. Also, the seller never should have had ANYTHING that could have come loose anywhere near the plinth. I understand that's water under the bridge at this point, but it's the seller's fault this happened for improper packaging.

Once and if you ever listen to it, maybe the cosmetic issues won't be a big deal.

Parts for the these do come up from time to time on Audiogon. There is a MKII plinth for sale right now that would upgrade your JUNIOR, (if that is what you have, we really don't know for sure).

What's that old adage...don't throw the baby out with the bath water...