Reel to Reel

This may sound like a dumb question, but what the heck !!!
I have always wanted a R to R, just to play around with.

But I have to ask, what do you guys do with your machines ? What do you play or tape ?

Recently, I was told locally where a lot of refurb R to R are sold, that a lot of people record CD to them ?

Just curious ?

It turns out a good number of the tapes in the collection I bought are 2-track, so will have to upgrade the deck (after looking them over more carefully they are mostly 2 track from the 1950's). Should have waited to get a deck with 2 and 4 track heads (included with the tapes were a handful of 2 track tube decks..ampex 960, 936, viking, concertone, miranda, I might just try to get one going in the meantime).
I had passed on an otari mx5050 bii on craigslist (non-working for $60, after talking with the owner it sounded like he knew how to work the deck and it didn't work). So today decided to call again and buy the deck (thinking maybe I could fix it) and got it home and it works fine! Will clean it up and make or get some proper cables and probably get it aligned/biased etc.
Thanks Sam, I'm going to look for another 2 track deck so I can dub the old 2-track tapes. Would like a technics rs1500 (had one once), just have to be patient.
I grew up on Reel to Reel, My old man had a concertone Deck. A friend of mine just gave Me a nice Teak R to R
deck, but it has a problem. It is almost like there is
a clutch inside that is not engaging when "Play" is hit.
opened it up & tried to figure it out but no dice.

Sure wish I knew of a place that could fix it without
breaking my bank account. I still have a bunch of old tapes from My Father stored away, as well as others that
were given to Me just going to waste.