Revamp Garrard 301, keep Oracle V or move along?


I have an Oracle V with turbo,SME V & Koetsu RSP cartridge cable is Hovland Music Groove.

I also have a very nice condition cream Garrard grease bearing 301 for which I built a CLD plinth weighing in at some 60lbs with a modified Rega300 for experimental purposes. Image here:

Preamp is a Aesthetix Io Signature w/volume controls and 2 power supplies. I also use some restored vintage pre's used from time to time: Marantz 1,Arc SP8 etc. Amps are Berning Zh270, Wyetech Topaz, and vintage Marantz 2 or Citation II.

Whats my best bang for the buck?: invest into bearings and commercial plinths/platters and a 12" arm with the Garrard or sell the Oracle and Garrard and move on: thinking TW acustic or SME20?

I like the SME V because its easy and I have less time now to fuss around but am open to a clearly superior piece that's not astronomical: Phantom or Triplaner?... would love a Breur or Gradenza but the $ must get much stronger for that.

This solely for a change and to consolidate and make room nothing very wrong.. I use Quad ESLs so dynamics are not a strong point...(that's another thread!...looking for HE single driver speakers eventually)..So on the front end those experienced with the revamped Garrards do you have a opinion or advice?...

Thanks, Nkj
Hello Mike,

If you have the PSU301AR you have the top of the line supply and controller, with all the bells and whistles. I do not anticipate the new Loricraft OMA controller to exceed the performance of your unit. The new supply does not use the same technology as your unit, but should offer similar performance at a much lower price, and without all the adjustments of the AR model which are so expensive to produce.

With the new supply, the technology for creating a whole new PSU design had existed, but no impetus was seen by them for doing it until OMA became a distributor for their products in the US.

My comments about the anticipated improvement in sound refer to using the new supply against using nothing but the mains to power one's deck. If the new supply does not provide marked improvement than I won't carry it, as I think you better get something substantial for that kind of investment.

Hope that explains things better.
I have an older Loricraft PS in use for my 301. Although we have very clean 230V/50Hz here in Germany - compared to the US, the PS has a major impact on sound quality: all the bass region cleans up, timing gets considerably better, and the faint hint of one-note bass, which might be detectable on one or other record, disappears completely.

best regards, Hartmut