Denon DL 103R vs. AT OC9 - MLII

Has anyone had the chance to compare these two MC carts? Based on specs, the AT appears to be slightly more compliant and have slightly more output. I'm also wondering if the AT's stylus shape would make it a bit quieter in the groove?
I've had both. You'll want a heavier tonearm for the 103R. I had the 103R and did not get good results, I'm afraid my arm was not a great match. The OC9 is a different sound altogether, more detail and not as fleshed out as the 103 making for a leaner sound. Really depends on your arm and musical tastes.
Thanks, Phill

Ideally I'd want a cart that would work on both of my arms: Linn Basik LV-X and Clearaudio Satisfy.
After checking a cartridge/arm database calculator, it seems that neither of these carts would be a good choice for my arms. Oh well......
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