The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
PSB M2 Platinum monitors exhibit great energy, excelling in everything from acoustic jazz, female vocal, to large-scale symphony orchestra. While the Platinums are the top of the line, the other models have been well received. Canada seems to create great speakers even if some are assembled in China.
I agree with Paimei,
The PSB Synchrony One floorstander can compete with speakers mulitples of its price - its midrange is that good.
Sonus Faber Fenice. I heard them only briefly at a dealer playing a large orchestra and chorus. Positive: realism, effortlessness. Negative: limited production and price at about 140k euros. Ask for a pair for Christmas and don't forget a good front end. For the real world: Sonus Faber Guarneri Mementos.
Evolution Acoustics Model MMTwo with Dartzeel gear! Sounds as good as LIVE MUSIC!..

As ridiculous as this may seem, i "heard" the Evolution Acoustics with DArtzeel reference monoblocks which were recorded by Albert Porter at the recent Electronics show...i think he recorded 30 rooms using the same equipment. As crazy as this sounds, the Evolution Acoustics room was the only one where the soundbyte actually sounded like Albert recorded a live event and streamed it over the internet. aside from 2 other presentations, everything else sounded like a stereo in a room.

i would never say i have heard the Evolution Acoustics, but i will say i am intrigued enough based on this one soundbyte to say that it would not surprised me if these speakers ranked up there for me at "top 3-5" based on my readings, speaking to a few folks who own them and also this one soundbyte in comparison to all the other soundbytes of the show. it really sounded like someone streaming music from a concerthall.

how familiar are you with these speakers? would love to get your thoughts in more detail on them!