Raven vs. Verdier La Platine

Have always liked the ideas that go with the Verdier but am also very impressed with the Raven. Has anyone comparted these very different turntables? What did you find/
Ag insider logo xs@2xuru975
My Verdier La Platine with a 12" Da Vinci Grandezza arm made a few believers of my friends that bought the Raven with Triplaner VII.
If you do go with the Raven - get the Grandezza as it's probably the best arm made.
One of my audiophile friends made a comparison in his home, he owns a PV with SME 3012 and got a Raven AC with Schroeder Reference for loan.
The Schroeder was fitted with a very expensive cartridge (XV-1s), his was a cheap one, I modified 103R.
He told me, he prefers the PV, the "musical flow" with all - totally - different LP's (Classic, Rock, Folk, Jazz...) is totally different. It goes totally out of way in the reproduction, no stress, no pushing and it is uncolored. The Raven is a "fast" table, even Mozart is fast on it. No "timbre" in voicing ...I listened to a few Ravens and Verdiers, but always in different Systems and this is my opinion, too.
The Raven has the advantage for more arms (idea is a based on Micro Seiki).
Well, the report from my buddy is 1 year old, he told me, he never looked back when the Raven left his home. He replaced the SME with a FR-64s and told me, this is really superior to all his former set ups.
I agree with Paladin, a good PV is one of the very few real top Turntables. With a 12 DaVinci really something special.
Or with FR-66s :)
The UK importer of Verdier and Raven is one and the same GT Audio. I don't want to misquote him, but since he has taken on TW, I don't think he has sold a Verdier. The latter is still a good table, but TW is better value and superlatively built. I bought the Raven one and it is one of 2 items in my set up which is not changing any time soon.
Dear Uru975: At this TT quality performance level IMHO I think that it couldbe a little more important which tonearm/cartridge combination could go with those TTs.

Both TT are first rate and maybe you could ask your self which one has a best after sale service, dealer support, user friendly?, warranty and the like. In the other side a comparison between audio items always is system dependent and according to the system owner priorities.

I think that you can't go wrong with either, which one do you like it more?

Regards and enjoy the music.
I have PV, but have heard the Raven many times at Graham Tricker's home (GT Audio). They're both excellent TTs. I bought my PV about 5 years ago and it has the GT Audio Battery PSU (top upgrade), Schroeder Model 2 and an Allaerts MC1B on it. Am I going to change now? No. I'm very happy with my TT combo. It makes great music and you forget about the equipment. That, folks, is what it's all about.

Best wishes,
