Pro's/Con's Of audiophile TT

Presently have a stock Kenwood KD990 Direct Dr. Thinking of upgrade to VPI Scout. Will I experience that much of a change in sound to justify this upgrade? I know it's weak, but, I am very fond of the auto lift at end of play. I am new to this level and am also worried about the day - day use. Here again, novice that i am, what happens at end of play? do I need to be right there to lift the tone-arm before it skids into the label? Do you get extra wear'n'tear on the stylus? Please help me!

Chadnliz, suspended 'tables are generally more sensitive to footfalls, not less.
Unsuspended tables are bad on unstable floors.........thats my point, pay attention.
DrPat --

I agree with the previous comment that nothing harmful will occur from a couple of minutes or so of delay in lifting the tonearm at the end of play. The main consequence will be some slightly unpleasant thumps coming from the speakers.

What cartridge do you have in the present turntable? If you upgraded the turntable, you would most likely want to get a new cartridge as well, and the sonic differences between the present cartridge and the new one could very well overshadow the differences between the two turntable/tonearm combinations.

Also, be aware that after many years the rubber-like suspension materials in many cartridges tend to stiffen up, which could result in increased record wear as well as reduced sound quality.

-- Al
suspended 'tables are generally more sensitive to footfalls, not less.

I don't understand that statement. With my older SOTA Sapphire (which has a suspended platter and tonearm board), I can literally pound the unsuspended part of the turntable with my fist, with moderate force, and hear no effect whatsoever on the sound that is being played. Surely footfalls would be even less likely to have an effect.

-- Al
That was the only exception I thought of, that is why the "generally" was put in.