Tonearm for rega Planar 3

Hi all,
Just purchased a Planar 3 here sans tonearm. I would like to install a good arm. Any suggestions other than the rb300/301? Is the 301 a better arm than the 300? Any experiences with the Michell or Moth versions? I will be using a Grado Platinum cartridge. Should I go with a rega cartridge as well?
Mosin, you never said anything about a turntable being "good', you stated clearly that the only design parameters for a turntable was speed accuracy. I tried to point out that "Without imparting anything etc. " could cover almost any conclusion you wish to draw. All turntables and all arms have their own ideosynceries and "logic" will tell you that some will match up better than others.

I suppose the "without imparting anything detrimental to the outcome" part should have been emphasized more. Anyway, you are correct in that speed alone isn't the end of turntable design. It should be in there, if you want to get the overall design right, though. So, I concede that a great many turntables should have some tonearm that is somehow matched to them for sonic reasons, but I maintain that those turntables are flawed when that is the case.

When I post a response about a product I sell, I identify myself as a dealer. from the following email I received:

Well, logic tells us that a turntable can be designed that will allow a tonearm to strut its stuff in an unencumbered way. I build such a deck, but I suppose some things just don't have much stuff to strut. Maybe you should upgrade, if your components fall into that category. ;)


It appears that he is a turntable manufacture, and it is apparently his position is that if you don't agree with him your equipment is defective. I have used tables in the past like the TNT and Basis Ovation and have returned to being a VPI dealer, currently using their tables. They are good, but I would never say that they were perfect or equally good with all arms and am suspicious of anyone who makes such claims. It may reveal my ignorance but I don't know what perfect table he is the maker of, but I am sure he will tell us.

Actually, I don't know if the perfect turntable will ever be built. I do know that the interaction between the device and the associated pieces should be as minimal as possible, no matter who makes it. I don't believe I am the only turntable builder who believes this should be the case. Sorry if you are somehow offended, but those are my beliefs on the issue. I told you I made a turntable in an e-mail because you treated me as if I were a novice. I never intended my status as a manufacturer to cast a shadow in the conversation, which is why my correspondence to you was offline. It was you who published that private correspondence, but carry on.
And it was you that implied that if I did not agree with you that my equipment must be at fault. When you jump into the middle of a discussion on how to help an individual in a particular situation with sweeping assertions that all accepted ideas about turntable design are incorrect you must forgive me for assuming that you are misinformed. I try never to argue with designers about the merits of their designs anymore than I dispute parents assertions about the incomparable virtues of their children. I also understand the difference between logic and science in the investigation of phenomena; logic can tell us what ought to be true, science what is true. Your status as a manufacture becomes relevant when you start to criticize the work of other manufactures while posing as a disinterested observer. This has gone on far too long , the OP was satisfied long ago, the members of the audiogon community who are actually motivated by giving helpful advice having preformed their function. I will file anything further under the "useless theoretical dispute file".