Hells Bells,
here comes a man that actually makes the stuff (Frank) and tells me what I was arguing for 101 questions and answers with DerTonarm i.e. the spindle-to-pivot distance is not of this ultimate importance to be even close to 0.1 mm according to some geometry decided spec.
You just compensate with the off-set (turn the cart some more left or right) someone must have heard me cry for help.
So now you have it from an arm designer and manufacturer. Very nice Frank, thank you for sharing, time for bed.
here comes a man that actually makes the stuff (Frank) and tells me what I was arguing for 101 questions and answers with DerTonarm i.e. the spindle-to-pivot distance is not of this ultimate importance to be even close to 0.1 mm according to some geometry decided spec.
You just compensate with the off-set (turn the cart some more left or right) someone must have heard me cry for help.
So now you have it from an arm designer and manufacturer. Very nice Frank, thank you for sharing, time for bed.