Can Sound-Smith tip sound as good as original?

I need to repair a damaged cantilever on a Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood cartridge. Will the aluminum alloy/nude elliptical option from Sound-Smith match the quality of the original cantilever and stylus?

Ferrari: I don't know what you have been told by your dealer, but what you posted is factually incorrect. We regularly service our cartridges, normally through our authorized dealers and national distributor. If anyone has a problem with a Lyra cartridge, they are recommended to return the cartridge to the dealer that they purchased it from, and the dealer will return it to the distributor who will send it on to us. If anyone feels that their dealer isn't giving them satisfaction, feel free to contact us and we will try to sort out the situation.

At times we may recommend a trade-in if repairing an old cartridge is not cost-effective (in other words, if it would be cheaper or equivalent in cost to trade-in to a current cartridge model with superior performance), but if the customer stipulates that they want their old cartridge repaired or rebuilt, we will do so.

From everything that I've heard, most other cartridge manufacturers (including Dynavector) also have a cartridge servicing and rebuild program, and again I'd suggest talking to the dealer that you purchase the cartridge from, or an authorized dealer. Note that if you ask a dealer to help you with service work on a product that you didn't buy from him, you are in effect asking him to work for free, so he may refer you back to the distributor or manufacturer, or act like they are unaware that the cartridge manufacturer has a product service program.

hth, jonathan carr

Different cartridge manufacturers may have different policies, but here's what we (Lyra) do we receive a cartridge for rework. We don't just retip the stylus or cantilever, but replace all wearable parts with brand-new ones. This includes the stylus, cantilever, coils, suspension, dampers, cantilever mount, recharging the magnets, replacing the cartridge body if it has been marred, and so on. Also, we sometimes develop improvements for a given cartridge model which we will retrofit to a cartridge that is returned for repair, so the customer gets back an improved cartridge that is rebuilt to the latest specifications.

This beyond the capabilities of a non-original cartridge retipper, and is likely the reason why Raul prefers to have (at least) expensive cartridges rebuilt by the original cartridge manufacturer.

Our cartridge rebuild policy is implemented by either supplying a completely new cartridge to the customer, or taking the old cartridge completely to pieces, replacing every part that needs to be replaced, deep-cleaning every other part, and building the cartridge back together again in the same manner and same quality-control as a brand-new cartridge. Normally a new cartridge will be sent out because this takes less time and the customer can get their cartridge back sooner, but if the customer wants their particular cartridge to be rebuilt and is willing to wait, we will oblige.

hth, jonathan carr
Dear Jcarr: Really thank you for the wide information on your last post.

It was/is time that some one like you ( a cartridge designer ) put things in the right perspective puting a precise line between a cartridge manufacturer re-tip/re-build and a non cartridge manufacturer re-tip job: Huge difference for say the least!!!!!!Good. ( even for no expensive cartridges ).

Regards and enjoy the music.
Jonathan Carr, while you state factually incorrect, in my issue what I posted is factually correct as I experienced. Perhaps a heart to heart with your dealers and/or distributors is warranted. I could not take the Lyra back to original dealer as the shop closed years ago. You have a splendid product and have recommended the Lyra line to many folks. My most recent recommendation was the Dorian to a dear friend of mine and he is most happy with it.

Dynavector is a whole other story, which doesn't warrant space here. But suffice to say I will never own another Dynavector product of any kind and haven't in some 10 plus years.

I am deep into vinyl playback average about 30 hours per week. So come late next year the Lyra may need service again.

For the 50 years I have been in this hobby business,each and everyone of my customers are treated like gold, because that is just what they are - GOLD. Over the course of the years I have taken gear in that I never sold and took care of that customer. Reason is simple, he/she came to me with a problem. I solved that problem, because I wanted that new customer. I certainly did not want them shopping around, when the situation was in my domain to solve. While I have taken loses over the years, I have gained far more new customers that have stayed with me and continue to do so.

At 65 now I am no doubt considered a dinosaur by todays current business models. However today we are seeing a vast amount of business that are closing there doors and the root problem is customer service.

I do wish Lyra continued success, but on my end it is time for me to re-evalaute. Thus far Benz Micro has my vote when it comes to customer service.
I got so annoyed with the problem of stylus replacement on MC cartridges that I went back to the good old reliable Shure V15. It was always..."we can't fix your cartridge but we will give you a discount on the new model, which happens to cost a lot more". BS I say!