AT150mlx price went up

It was $500 MSRP and discount price at $250 about a week ago. Now I see it is $800 MSRP and discount at $350.
Why a sudden price hike?
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Discount of $250 vs $450?
You have a strange sense of humor.
Setting $800 MSRP is nothing but a marketing gimmick, IMO, but it may work, who knows.

I would agree the popularity is a major factor. It may no longer be a most underrated MM cartridge.
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I just checked: AT150MLX went up $100 both at J&R and LPGear.

AudioCubes2 still has them for $299.

LPGear still sells the replacement stylus for $179.95 here.

When you factor in cost of ownership (replacement stlylus for the price of a Denon DL-160 or Grado Silver), it's still a stone cold bargain.

Strangely enough, the AT440MLa had dropped back down to $119 or thereabouts.