Sorry, you are correct about my math error. 470 not 47. Much better.
Your findings as to the sonic differences between loading the PW with NO trannie vs loading it either on the primary side or the secondary of a SUT are quite fascinating, and I don't know of anyone else who uses a SUT and loads the cartridge on the primary side. Tonight I have been listening to my MC7500, father of your PW, with no SUT and a 100R load. I don't hear any particular tonal imbalance, but the sound seems a tad closed in compared to my Koetsu Urushi (but tonearm and mat and tt are also different so not a good piece of data). Nevertheless, I am prepared to try 500R next, as this was advice I got from the previous owner of the MC7500. Can you once again describe the circuit you are happiest with? Reading two posts up from this one, I think you are using a 13R resistor on the primary side and a 47K resistor on the secondary side of your SUT, so that the PW sees 13 in parallel with 47 to give about 10R. Is that correct?
Your findings as to the sonic differences between loading the PW with NO trannie vs loading it either on the primary side or the secondary of a SUT are quite fascinating, and I don't know of anyone else who uses a SUT and loads the cartridge on the primary side. Tonight I have been listening to my MC7500, father of your PW, with no SUT and a 100R load. I don't hear any particular tonal imbalance, but the sound seems a tad closed in compared to my Koetsu Urushi (but tonearm and mat and tt are also different so not a good piece of data). Nevertheless, I am prepared to try 500R next, as this was advice I got from the previous owner of the MC7500. Can you once again describe the circuit you are happiest with? Reading two posts up from this one, I think you are using a 13R resistor on the primary side and a 47K resistor on the secondary side of your SUT, so that the PW sees 13 in parallel with 47 to give about 10R. Is that correct?