Classification of Benz Micro cartridges

A question for you Benz experts. I am confused by the classification. As I understand it, the Ruby/Ebony L and H, sit just below the LP S as the reference cartridge. Fine so far, then what is the LP? Is it an older version of the LP S or another cartridge sitting at the same level as the Ruby and Ebony?
Before anyone makes the sensible suggestion of contacting the US distributor, I am in the UK and we don't seem to have a supplier I can find. Their website is not helpful on this point. Thanks
Thanks guys, I had forgotten about Audiofreaks being the UK importer, it does'nt appear when you google Benz Micro. Mind you I tend not to call Audiofreaks, unless I feel like being insulted.
Hi David12

From what Garth (of Musical Surroundings) had told me, I understand the hierarchy to be as follows....

Benz LPS
Benz LP Ebony
Benz Ruby3 (Ruby 3 is basically the same construction using non-ferrous coil formers, but uses different wood body...preferences made to the Ebony body.)
Benz Ebony, Ebony TR, Ebony H are all three basically the same cartridges but each designed to be mated with the various different types of phono stages or step up transformers that individuals may use.
Benz Wood SL, Wood SM, Wood SH are the same as the Ebony, Ebony TR, and Ebony H but uses the Bruyere Wood vs. the Ebony Wood bodies.

I hope this helps.
The Ebony H and the Wood S H have the same internal ohms and output voltage, but the internal ohms and the output voltage of the Wood S L and Wood S M are quite different than for the Ebony TR and Ebony M. Could the wood account for those differences? Also does a $2,000 difference make sense just for a change from ebony to bruyere wood?

Details here
Looking into this a little more, I think the new Wood S H, S M and S L are the new S design whereas the Ebony H/L/TR are an older design. So, I think there is more than just a wood change between the Ebony and Wood lines. But is hard to figure out the exact details.

"Albert Lukaschek of Benz Micro and Garth Leerer of Musical Surroundings announce a new series of phono cartridges, the S Class. Led by the new flagship LP S cartridge, introducing the SLR Gullwing and joined by new versions of the Wood Body, Glider and ACE cartridges, the S Class furthers the performance, selection and value of the Benz Micro line."

More details here -
I wanted to edit my previous post but didn't know how. Everything I had said is accurate except for this sentence...

"Benz Wood SL, Wood SM, Wood SH are the same as the Ebony, Ebony TR, and Ebony H but uses the Bruyere Wood vs. the Ebony Wood bodies."

The outputs and internal impedances are different from both the Ebony TR and the Ebony L and therefore different from the Wood SL and Wood SM. However, Garth did tell me that the only difference between the Ebony H and the Wood SH is the type of wood body and that Mr. Lukaschek prefers the sound of the Ebony body.

I hope this clears up my previous post.

Thank you.