Classification of Benz Micro cartridges

A question for you Benz experts. I am confused by the classification. As I understand it, the Ruby/Ebony L and H, sit just below the LP S as the reference cartridge. Fine so far, then what is the LP? Is it an older version of the LP S or another cartridge sitting at the same level as the Ruby and Ebony?
Before anyone makes the sensible suggestion of contacting the US distributor, I am in the UK and we don't seem to have a supplier I can find. Their website is not helpful on this point. Thanks
All very helpful, but it still seems a pretty confused way of building a line of cartridges.
They cover a wide price range - from $250 to $5,000 with 8 price points. Like the vast majority of companies with a wide product range, they change part of the line at a time. In doing so, they end up with mixed technologies across the line. Compare that to a speaker company or a turntable company with a wide range of offerings. At any one time, they generally have a mixture of new and older products in the line, with varying technologies. In general, Benz provides 2 or 3 output levels at a given price - something a lot of cartridge companies do not do. The exceptions are the flagship Ebony LP (only 1 option) and the $3,500 line where they have wood (Ebony TR/M/L) and non-wood (Ruby). Although it takes a little more research to find the right product, I like the range of options they provide, especially since they have trade in/trade up pricing options.
Well, I have ordered a Benz Ebony LP from the UK importer, with a good dicount at the moment. Thanks for your help.
Congratulations David12,

I think that you'll love your choice. Please report back after it's broken in and let us know how you like it on your Raven.
No-regrets, well the LP has been in place for a few days and I have to say, I could'nt be more pleased, even though it is still breaking in of course. There is always a risk with 2 components, that it sounds better, because it is new, but the LP seems a big step up from my Zyx Airy 3.
In many ways they are similar, neutral, not coloured, with good detail and soundstaging. Howver, the LP seems better at imaging, better soundstage depth which is something I value very much and digital seems to lack. Base is certainly better defined ? deeper.
Two aspects particularly please me, first the LP is a better tracker. I had real problems with the Zyx, particularly on the inner grooves of Decca SXL's. It could be set up, but it has been on different tables, the second set up by a very competent dealer, so I do'nt think so. The LP is much better, no tracking problems to date on difficult records. Secondly, dynamics are a clear plus. I do'nt think I noticed before, but the Zyx is a tad slow. The second LP I played was Art Blakey and the Jazz messengers. The first track, "Moanin", some of the intro's almost made me jump.
In the UK, the Zyx Airy3 and the BenzLP are about the same price, around £1800. I know, because of the vagaries of currencies etc, the LP is more expensive in the US, I do'nt know about other markets. I think the LP is a real find, well for me anyway, others found it first. As others have said, Benz do'nt seem to get the respect they are due, in comparison with other more popular cartridges, like the Dynavector DV 1S. I am not saying it is as good, but for the money, it is very impressive. Another important consideration, is the reasonably priced rebuild service, Benz offer.
Usual disclaimer, I have no financial interest in Benz Micro, though if they want to send a few hundred Switz Francs for this feedback, well I wo'nt send it back