Micro Seiki RY-5500 motor noise repair pdf

I recently acquired a wonderful turntable, the Micro Seiki RX-5000. I found there is scant information available on the Internet about this vintage 'table, and when I encountered some noise issues with my RY-5500 motor unit and discovered how to fix it, I thought it would be beneficial make a set of instructions freely available. Go to the following URL and click on the page icon to view and download these instructions. Enjoy!

Great! You da man!

At least I'm assuming you are of the male persuasion... :^)
Thanks so much Kip for this support. After a while the motor can get a bit noisy and I believe I messed up my motor by following "informed advice" to oil the spindle shaft because it was noisy and then I ended up having to find a tech in Japan to fix it. Now I have a local tech just about finishing work on putting it all back together because I was shorting out the board somewhere and your pic is very helpful to other users. A true Audiogoner!

I am happy to hear this information is useful! I'll be posting some more experiences about things I've learned soon, including some stuff on the HS-80 High Speed Inertia unit flywheel. I feel a calling to get as much information as possible about these 'tables out into the ether. :-)

Yes, T-bone, I am xy.
BTW Kip, those Scintilla's in your system look fabulous. I have been messing around with a pair of Stages, great midrange, but their limited size defines real low end output. Bigger Apogees are on my list, and thinking about Magggies as well. I really miss my old ESL-63's for accuracy and spacious lifelike presentaion, but they had limitations.

On the RX-5000, one item that I would like to share more on is effective isolation of the base and motor unit. So far, a sprung solid wood base, has given the best results over granite, rock maple, or a sandbox. I will try and post a pic tonight. I would like to try the machine dynamica springs shortly.


Thanks for your reply. I am beginning to learn that proper isolation is something I really need to explore for the Micro 'table, so any help you can provide would be very welcome!
