What is "rich mans" DL-103?

Hi there

I have lived with several top cartiridges like Transfiguration Esprit, Transfiguration Temper and DRT XV-1s. Some time ago I decided to give the XV-1s a rest and mounted a DL-103 (nuded on a Cartridgeman Isolator). Although the XV-1s is a beautiful performer, I have fallen for the DL's body, energy and musical impact. Of course I miss the delicacy of the top cartridges, so I wonder, is there a rich mans DL-103 that has the quality of the 103 and add some detail, top end and finesse.
My guess is Kondo IO but that is just a guess.


Benz LP= Body, Warmth, Bass, Frequency Extremes only a Microline can generate
I am surprised nobody suggesting Zu DL-103 or better yet the Zu DL-103R grade 2. On my audiomeca Romance (Romeo arm) TT direct-wired Cardas to S&B Tx103 (copper) direct to MM Gryphon PS1 phono board (soon to try a Whest Audio TWO Dual Mono) it rivals all I have heard excepting a selected Clearaudio Outsider Reference Wood. Period.

A friend owns a Brinkmann Balance with Breuer (orig.) arm (Clearaudio silver wiring) into a Blue Amp 42 phono and a van den Hul Colibri cartridge. He dropped his jaw when he heard mine (and that was without the S&B TX103 step-up)! I don't know if they are still available but maybe AudioFeil could help you further.
05-23-09: Hatehifi
I am surprised nobody suggesting Zu DL-103...
I did. 12th response to the OP.
Hey Johnnyb53, [I'm a '53er and Johnny B was my nick name almost too long... Simply John now],

So you did mention the Zu. Sorry I flew past it. Strange that it hasn't been heralded as much as I think it deserves. Same thing goes for the Whest (or Gryphon, for that matter) phono gear.

I'm auditioning the new Well Tempered Amadeus (I hope soon) and if it betters my Romance by a fair margin, I'll purchase it. That my Zu-Dl103R grade 2 (bought here from Sean Casey / Zu in a 5-piece Dutch Auction - greetings fellow winners!) and S&B TX103 is 'staying' with me - 'bet your bottom dollar! Maybe I put in my will to be buried with but no, pass as heirlooms to my oldest son...

Cheers folks!
I am with Stanwal suggest on the DL304.
This is taking both carts stock, no mods to the 103.
The 304 improves on being able to decipher complex threads on large orchestral stuff. It is a little bit less thick in the midrange but the oomph is still there. But they are very close in that respect. Load both the 304 and 103 at 40ohms using a SUT and the midrange is very familiar with no congestion issues.

Go there or upgrade the 103 with all it's word, retip, and potting tricks.