Top line phono stages with at least 2 inputs

I would greatly appreciate a list of top line phonostages that have at least 2 inputs. The price range is around $8000.
Allnic seems interesting, some years ago I had Silvaweld Phonostage, that was was a good one. I've heard, the Designer is working for Allnic now.
There are certainly a lot more phono stages with more than one input than I envisaged. The allnic seems to be getting alot of opinion i.e. raves and some not so impressed.
Thank you all for the input so far.
Any comments on the strengths of Allnic vs Steelhead vs Dartzeel vs TW Acustik?

My current phonostage is the Sutherland Phd which has as its most outstanding virtue ,it's quiet background. How do the abovementioned rate in terms of a quiet background and microdetail retrieval?

Thanks again
Syntax, From my readings and conversation with a dealer, the Allnic line is indeed produced and designed by the very same guy who was the Silvaweld designer. I think in the former case, he had a business partner who is now out of the picture. The products and all relevant parts (e.g., inductors, transformers) are hand-made in-house (in S Korea). The amorphous core nickel transformers would seem to have a lot of potential to dispel my own bias against SUTs in general.
Ecka, I did not see any negative comments about the Allnic stuff in this thread. It will be interesting to know Albert's opinion.