Well recorded records ... what are your picks?

I just finished listening to some records. No surprises, just some usuals. But, I was thinking the whole time about how well some of these records were engineered and recorded. I thought I would write about them and ask for your favorites.

I finished with Thomas Dolby -- Aliens Ate My Buick. It is so well recorded! I am drawn in and must listen to the whole album. I lose myself in this one! Rickie Lee Jones -- Pop Pop. Spin her version of "Up From the Skies" and you will know what I am talking about. Pure recorded bliss. It is magical. I had to listen to the rest of the album and was not disappointed! Dire Straits -- Love Over Gold. Title track -- unbelievable. This album is so well recorded; no wonder I have known more than a few audiophiles who have recommended it. I listened to the whole damned wonderful album! Rickie Lee Jones -- Rickie Lee Jones. How can you miss with this one. If you need to test your set-up, go with this one. It is perfect. Oh, also, I listened to "Sunday in the Park with George" tonight. It is so well recorded with depth and width. I also enjoy the music. I also spun Dire Straits -- Communique. It is not as well recorded as Love Over Gold, but that is only by a "smidgen." It is truly a gem. I love the music, and it is very well recorded.

These are my picks for tonight. More to come, of course. I am wondering what are your favorites and why? This could be a nice exchange of information on well engineered and recorded records for all of us. And, we could all discover albums and their characteristics through each other's information.

What about current albums? Anyone here have picks that are relatively current (or back 5+ years)?

I'd pick Keep it Hid by Dan Auerbach (of The Black Keys)-2009. I think it is very well recorded. I am new to vinyl, so my collection is very small. I know that the mastering is not on par with that of a few decades back but there must be some great ones out there.

Though varied, I listen to indie rock, electronica, R&B, rock, and blues, so it would be great to see some picks in those genres. List of my music

cheers, ed
RE: My post above:

I meant "in general" that recording/mastering in not on par with the genius of vinyl heyday. I wasn't referring to Keep It Hid. I think it is very good.
WOW I could list alot and I believe any of the early recorded blues to be great even with all the pops and hisses. Listen to some Muddy and imagine how great he would have sounded if recorded in better situations. Here are just a few as now I will have to listen for weeks to come up with more. LOL
Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass/Whipped Cream & Other Delights
Bob James Trio/Straight Up
Spyro Gyra/Point of View
The Lonnie Smith Trio/Afro Blues
Fourplay/Between The Sheets
Bill Evans/Montreaux Jazz Festival
Duke Ellington/London Concerts
Paul Desmond/Desmond Blue
Eric Clapton/From the Cradle
Canadian Brass/Take the A Train
George Benson/Love Remembered
Jeff Beck/Blow By Blow
Beatles/Red, White, and Blue albums

Will have to listen to pick the best but must mention Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday both of whos voices will blow you away. imo
Now that I re-read the orignal thread I see that the responses are lacking because few have stated why they thought they were the best sounding so it will be intresting to view everyones opinions so I will start it out with my #1 pick Herb Alperts Tijuana Brass Band.

Maybe not the BEST recording but who can say what is. I happen to think it is a kick *** recording!

IT IS A MATTER OR PERSONAL TASTE!!!! I happen to like it becasue that is the first music I can recall as a kid and I still enjoy it. Music is and should be an ongoing journey not only to the past but to the present and future.
That album started my journey as it is the first one I recall and after 47 years it continues to forge my future. I will always remember sitting in the corner of the room at two years old with these oversize headphones on listening to that lp on my dads system. It was the ONLY way they could settle me down. I was a wild child but put on the tunes and I was an angle. We may all have out favorites, argue about it, discuss it, but whatever music touches you is the best. Bottom line! Music should touch you,shake you, freeze you, make you remember those you love who have died and soothe you for the ones you wish had not. It should make you remember who you loved and why but most importantly it should do for you what you allow it. It is what you let it be and if you are smart it will let you know what it needs to be. Sooooo, it is in the eyes of the beholder and I have my favorites and you may not like them but who cares. THEY ARE MINE and if you really care I might choose to share them with you....or not
Bicycle Man:

I got my home brewed formula from the Internet.It consist of one pint isoprophyl alcohol, two tablespoon dish washing liquid, a few drops of Kodak otoflo, and one gallon distilled water. I came across a thred at audioasylum where some folks were using white vinigar, dishwashing liquid, and distilled water. I also tried this mixture as the very first step along with steam cleaning, followed with my original home brewed fluid on my nitty gritty RCM, but the finger prints are still present on the record. I am going to get some ultra pure water to use as the final rinse.