Ultimate sub?

So I have been in a slight upgrade stage recently. I just purchased a b&w HTM2 and I'm shopping for a sub. There is never much talk about subs it seems and so right now my two options are the Velodyne DDPlus 12 and the JL Audio Fathom 112. Are there any other manufacturers I should check out? This sub is an ultimate system purchase so I don't want to make a misstep.
Wilson Audio's Thor's Hammer will rattle your foundation. It can reproduce 16 Hz note at full volume. Some make this claim, the Hammer can actually back it up.
Thor's Hammer is great, and is no doubt on the very short list of cost-no-object subs. But if cost is an object, it's $21K without crossover or amplification. By contrast, the top of the line JL Gotham, with two 13.5" drivers, is $12K complete with crossover, amplification, and some room optimization EQ. Two of them cost less than one Hammer plus the required amp and crossover. Anechoically, a Gotham is down about 6 dB at 16 Hz, so I suspect that two of them with boundary reinforcement would do just fine.

At the OP's price range, you'd be hard-pressed to beat his choice of two: the DD12+ or F113. They're both so good it comes down to personal preference. JLs are incredibly fast and integrate well with main speakers, but the DD+ series has more sophisticated room-blending EQ circuitry (from what I've read). I've heard JLs and love 'em.
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