Looking to get a turntable.

Looking for advice on turntables. Have heard the Sota moonbeam with my speakers on a tube system and while I liked it was trying to go a bit less expensive.

Grew up listening to vinyl and love all the pops and hisses that go with the early recordings. Mostly like blues, jazz, and classic rock but can listen to Frank Sinatra for hours.

Am just starting to understand what makes hi-fi tick and am still learning. I can now actually understand some of the how and whys of electronics.(thanks to my brother).

Grew up in a family that always was into music. My Dad had a pair of Maggies that are still my favorite speakers to this day. Components bought and sold alot so I got to hear alot of systems.

Ok maybe to much info but figured you might all need a little background.

My system;

Coincident Troubadour speakers
Audire Crescendo amp
Superphon revelation pre
Dennon TV 1500RD receiver
TEAC /cdP 1440 CD player(replacing soon after table purchase)

My question is what table(new or used) will enable me to get the most bang for my buck? Am looking at the Rega P1 and can go to demo it before purchase with my own lp's. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Price range in the 400-500 hundred range

Hi: I have a Linn Axis and a VPI HW 19 that will out perform the Rega 1. If you are in the Seattle, WA. area you are welcome to listen to these tables. I will be selling them eventually for about what your budget allows. Rob.
thanks Rob but I am in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I will do some research on them. Are you planning on posting them here on Audiogon?
IMO, you won't do better than the Rega tables in that price range. If you can stretch for the P2, that would be even better, but the P1 is a very nice start. The other very nice thing about the Rega tables is that they can be pretty much set-it-and-forget-it if you want them to be. They have quite a bit better soundstaging and imaging than anything else in that range, too, if those qualities are important to you.
I might be able to stretch for the P2 if the "tax man" is good to me this year. Lol the good thing is that I have found a great dealer that will set me up with some time to demo I just have to make the 3 hour drive. Have had some time using tables and lp's so I do know how to treat them. Yes the imaging is important to me and as I understand it the tables can be upgraded which is also a factor. Given all that did you factor in my system? Thanks for the input had an E-mail stating that a Linn Axis or a VPI HW19 would outperform the rega P1. What do you think?