best value - record cleaning machine

What are you guys using, I am looking for one.
Dont plan to spend money but need a pro machine to do the job well.
I really think after listening to many die hard analog fans. That your best bet is to buy a shark steam cleaner and a cheapo and I mean cheapo thrift store Turntable and start to steam clean.
Under $50 Shark Steam Cleaner...Using the 4" attatchment,cleaning is simple and exceptionally clean.......
I'd recommend any vacuum based cleaner. I had a VPI 16.5 and found a new Clear Audio Smart matrix on A'gon for $500. I sold my VPI for $400.

The Clear Audio is built better and quieter than the 16.5, but still noisy. It's bidirectional also.

Both machines achieve the same goal equally, I just like the build quality on the Clear Audio better. The reason I think the vacuum is necessary, is to remove all the crud to a separate tank with force, not just rinsing.