Dear Dan-Ed, the turntable stands alone............. alone......... it does not have to be integrated into the audio-system. It does not depend on any other part of the audio chain.
There is no language barrier.
I find it funny that several other posters by now are doing nothing else in their posts than trying to persuade me that my "no compromise" is wrong and futile.
What do you want?
Do you want me - with the words of Lyndon B. Johnson - "rather inside the tent peeing out, then outside the tent peeing in" ?
How about giving the thread some technical input?
I guess I did.
Come on - show me why we are doing and need this and that compromise in turntable design.
Show me technical facts or at least some nice theories why we shall use idler drive or direct drive.
Just telling me that this or that turntable will give me sonic (vinyl) heaven is just not enough.
I am not dogmatic - if there are good technical reason to use other paths - display them here, I will be the first to walk them (I if haven't already).
If someone feels personally attacked because he do own a turntable which maybe have features I have critized or abandoned in my posts- sorry, this is in no way personal.
All I hear are opinions and many comments that I shall give in and accept the need for compromise.
I thought this is about turntable design and technical issues.
Is there anybody out there who could come to my alliance and bring us back on the track ?
Am I just too stupid or is my english too poor to realize?
Or both......