Is there a maximum length for tonearm wiring?

In other words, the wiring that leaves my rega rb700 tonearm and plugs into my pre-amp is about 1 meter long. I would like to move the turntable further away from the pre-amp which would require wiring about 2 meters long. Is this less than ideal to increase the length of the wires to 2 meters? Would I lose part of the signal by increasing the wire length? Thanks for the help. George.
Dear George: There are negative consequences as we increment the distance, if we can or can't hear it is always person/system dependent specially on the tonearm to preamp quality of the cable.

Now you always can think to other TT like the top of the Nottingham line, SME, Monaco and the like that can fit on that shelf.

I'm sorry not be more specific on the subject.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Kimber, AudioQuest, and Harmonic Technology all offer tonearm cables in 2M lengths, indicating that the capacitance is low enough to work over a 2M length. Kimber publishes its specs, and most of its interconnects are only about 50 pF for a meter pair, so 2M would still be in the ideal range for MM carts that want to see about 100-200 pF.
What about MC cartridges which is what I use?

As I indicated above, load capacitance is normally insignicant for moving coil cartridges:

-- Al