Excellent Outdoor FM Antennas

I'm interested in purchasing a highly sensitive outdoor FM antenna that's omni directional to pick up stations from 100 to 150 miles away. What, if any experience does anyone have on this list. Additionally, I own 2 very good tuners. The Magnum Dynalabs 108 and an older McIntosh Mr78. Both are exceptionally good in terms of sensitivity. Concerning the Mr78, I need to have it recalibrated and cleaned up. Who is recommended for such service?
Have you seen this one?
I have a Magnum Dynalab, too, but live in a metro area. No need for a special antenna.

Can't help with repair shop referral, though.
The omni Wkhanna recommends is an excellent one, however, if you are really trying to get stations 100-150 miles away you will need a directional antenna. A BIG directional antenna. FM signals travel line of sight so the curvature of the earth will limit or prevent them from travelling that far. The height of the antenna certainly makes a difference, and there are atmospheric conditions that can help intermittently (when signals can travel hundreds of miles) but you can't rely on that. There are some very nice directional antennas available, try searching the archives for recommendations.
Re Pmotz's comments - I can only add that you can optomize an outdoor directional antenna by adding a rotor so you can point it directly at the station you are trying to bring in. I think that is why you wanted an omni, so you could get stations from different locations on the compass.

But here is an alternative if you mainly listen to a few long distance stations from the same point on the compass, but also would like to get a lot of local channels close by. In addition to a long distance fixed antenna, set up a small omni (even in the attic). Then run the two cables down to a switch at your system and select the antenna you want to use depending of the station you want to hear. That may be the reason why some tuners have options for selecting from different antennas. Anyway, it works for me.
I'm in central Florida, so I have a 200 mile shot to get Tampa, Jacksonville and Miami, luckily no mountains to go over. I have a 50 foot crankup tower that's been up since the 70's.
I've always been happy with Wineguard antennas. The good antennas are directional so you will need a rotator. Also there are amplifiers available to further increase the signal. Make sure you get the antenna as high as possible and away from trees. Also make sure you ground the antenna outside, lightning is not your friend!
I would also recommend a good grade of coax cable for your signal and a coax grounding block installed near the entry point on your house.
If it sounds like a lot of work... it is, but the sound quality is worth it. Also, a good installation will last for years with little to no maintenance.
Good luck with it!
Audio Classics in Vestal N.Y. is a good place to send your Mac for tune up. You can also send it back to Mac.