Is A Live Concert Stereo Or Mono

Someone the other day said to me by e-mail when I asked if the Mono LP were better than the Stereo LP and he answered have you ever hear a live concert , they are in MONO.

I wasn't sure if he was kidding or not.

what is your take on this

Oh yeah.. he prefered MONO..
I'm still trying to figure this one out, will have to get both a stereo and mono copy of the same LP and see..
comments welcome on this 2 part deal
Yeah, TVAD'S right and who says live sound is best anyway? Kind of off topic but when I read that our hifi's should sound lifelike I don't know, some of the worst sound I've endured was live and some of the best musical moments I've enjoyed have been at home.
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Depends on how the microphones are placed. Obviously, if there is only one microphone the recording is Mono, even though the live performance could be heard in stereo if the band is divided more or less evenly across the stage and you are sitting dead-center in the audience. It is recorded in Stereo when there are two or more microphones placed to record the right and left side of the stage performance separately. Those two separate channels can have some overlapping music and still be Stereo. Many Mono recordings were actually recorded in Stereo and mixed to Mono, or "folded-down" to Mono. So a Live Concert can be both Mono and Stereo to the audience depending on where you are sitting and whether you are listening to the live sound of the actual performers or to the performance as broadcast over the amplification system used in the concert hall.
This vaguely reminds me of a test in college way, way back when - about something like "directionally-biased point source emitters" or some such gobbledygook. The level and amount of math expected for the answer probably helped convince me that an exclusively academic regimen is not the only way to put food on the table...

Mono? Since when is the whole world mono? Well, unless your name was van Gogh (but don't start with me on that, 'cause yeah I know and that was only meant as a feeble attempt for a feeble laugh...)? Mono might barely describe a solo artist performing in an anechoic chamber - how the heck does mono do justice to a whole wide stage full of orchestra? Tvad knows the deal, and the equation for real is not solved by being some kind of audio cyclops with a single ear growing out of your forehead.
The equation for real is not solved by being some kind of audio cyclops with a single ear growing out of your forehead.

I love it, that is Great English.