ZYX UNIverse X-SB 0.24 sounding "too much"

Hello everyone.

Recently acquired UNIverse x-sb 0.24 and using it on a Naitais Lenco L75 + Ringmat Anniversary with SME3012R arm and it sounds "too much". Comparing to the XV1s (tracking at 2.10), it sounds "too much", female vocals are too much. Another way to put it is too dynamic(?). It's doesn't sound worse than the XV1s, but very very different. Currently tracking at 1.95 or there abouts. Any ideas? Adjustment, tweak issue or loading, or tracking angle?

Rest of vinyl front end is Audio Note M7 with Bent MU 1:20 Silver transformers. Universe loaded to about 110 ohms. XV1s run on open load 125 ohms.

Both Doug and I are avid Universe fans but our experiences with the cartridge differ significantly.
Whilst Doug indicates that the Universe is very finicky with set-up and sensitive to even the most microscopic changes to VTA, VTF and loadings, I however find it to be the most tolerant of modern LOMC cartridges.
From mounting it initially in a Hadcock GH228 Unipivot on a Rega Planar 3 to tranferrring it to a Raven AC-1 and then a Raven AC-3 and then a DaVinci 12" Ref Grandezza on the Raven AC-3, I have never lost the 'magic' of the Universe. Regardless of the tracking weight (1.6gm-2.2gm), regardless of the VTA (up slightly-down slightly), regardless of the azimuth (at least on the Hadcock...the DaVinci is fixed), regardless of the geometry of the overhang, the Universe has NEVER lost its alluring transparency and invisibility.
Nor has it ever been shy in the bass department (even in the Hadcock) as other posters have intimated. In fact it is at least the equal to (if not better than) the DV1s in this regard.
Why this difference in experiences?
Am I missing this cartridge's true greatness?
I have heard many cartridges in my systems including VdH Grasshopper, Koetsu Urishi, Clearaudio Concerto and Insider Gold, Lyra Helikon and Titan i, Dynavector DV1s not to mention all the MMs the best being the Garrott P77.
Yet all of them seem like 'interpreters' compared to the 'master tape' qualities of the Universe.
Nothing I can do to the set-up of this cartridge will eliminate its intrinsic superiority and I fear that Doug's consistent warnings will turn others away from buying this audiophile wonder?
Doug has more experience than almost anyone with this particular cartridge, but if the explanation for our differing experiences is that I'm not hearing the 'true' magic of the Universe?........then I advise everyone to buy one immediately as the 'impoverished' performance of the Universe still towers loftily above all others.
Just tried the XV1s at loaded down to 9.04 ohms as per the UNIverse. It sounds really bad and closed in. Took off the resistors (open load of 125 ohms), and it's magic. For some random reason, the loading that I'm getting best results seems to be similar to that of active gain stages.
I am with Halcro on the UNIverse set up. Have had it in many arms and have found a wide +/- tolerance to set up paramters for VTF, VTA etc. In many ways the cartridge is somewhat benign to different arms, seems to work best in mid effective mass arms. I did find the bass missing a bit more in unipivots and the best match so far is the Grandezza, but frankly it sounds wonderful in a variety of good arms - which makes it an attractive proposition to acquire. I have it at 1.9g and neutral VTA,using Baerwald alignment.

Universe has no bottom end and is congested no way. Listening to several well recorded lps Beatles Abby Road, Eagles first lp with serious lower bass you not only could hear but feel the music. Using my phono amp with my other phono front end gear i have full taunt bass and all else. Universe will produce a spectrum of sound that will please the ears.
If you are using Universe and not getting these results you need to look at your other components there is where the problem will lie.
I haven't lived with a Universe so I can only go by what I hear in Doug's system, which isn't too much different from my own. So take this for what it's worth and please remember that Linnmaster is looking for answers to his loading questions.

I have never heard the Universe be bass shy or congested. I would pretty much agree with what Halcro posted as to how he describes the Universe. I have also heard the difference when Doug makes one of his nudges, usually resulting in a focusing of the instruments. Granted the Universe can sound great without the extra bit of adjusting, but doing so can improve performance if done correctly.

I have lived for several years now with my XV-1s and have even mounted my Dyna on Doug's table for a direct comparison. I would say that this Dynavector gets you at least 80% of what a Universe is capable of. That's just my opinion so don't anyone go nuts. But I don't think that is odd given that the Universe costs much more. The XV-1s more than suits my needs. I am very happy with it.