Has anyone heard the VPI Classic yet

They were supposed to be shipping soon. Has anyone purchased this table yet?
Has anyone here gone from a Well Tempered to the VPI classic? If so, what would you say the major differences are in the table/arm combos?
So after reading all this praise, maybe Harry should just discontinue every other table he makes? I mean why pay 10K when you can get the best for 2.5K? I'm not doubting what's been said and I think it's great that you can get that kind of sound for so little money. But it doesn't bode well for Harry's business model.

I was not explicit enough. I think the volume of sales for The Classic, will greatly increase VPI's total revenue and more to the point, profit. I think this increase could and will dwarf the loss in sales of the higher end tables they sell. The price point for this table is the "sweet spot" for audiophiles. It's not cheap by any means, but it's a rather inexpensive table if it's performance is taken into consideration. So it's VALUE is huge. Kind of like when Spectron started getting such glowing reviews for the Musician II, and they started selling like water in the desert. Of course they went WAY up in their price then with "improvements", until they got to the price level of other comparible amps. That could happen here as well.
It's interesting how audiophiles have become conditioned to assign credibility to a product by it's price tag. Why don't you let Harry Weisfeld worry about how he prices his product and determine for yourself whether the VPI Classic is a good table or not by the merits of how it performs in your system. That may be difficult for many who do not have options to audition it locally but all the more reason to listen to user feedback on forums such as these. As Macdadtexas said, this pricing strategy could indeed canibalize some sales from higher priced offerings at VPI but I suspect that VPI sells many fewer units of those items and if this table indeed delivers on perceived value than the pick up in volume (and the resulting scale in costs) could prove to be a very profitable strategy for VPI at this price point. There are many ways to skin a cat. Assess the table on what it can do and not on how it is priced. And if demand indeed picks up significantly (as it seems to be doing) than, as Macdadtexas said, don't expect The Classic to sell for $2,500 for much longer. My 2cents worth.
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