LAST record preservative

I have noticed a slight reduction in highs after applying LAST record preservative. However, if I use Disc Doctor record cleaner after applying LAST preservative the highes seem to return to normal. Does the preservation effect if LAST still work if I use the Disc Doctor solution after the LAST solution has totally dried? I listen to my LP's daily and don't want them to wear out too fast if possible! All of my LP's are cleaned on a VPI 16.5 with Disc Doctor Miracle wash prior to play back or treatment with LAST preservative. Thanks for any advice, or feedback!
From the LAST website:

"LAST Record Preservative chemically enhances the molecular stability, and therefore the cohesiveness of the groove surface so that it completely resists the damaging effects of stylus shock waves.
The 30-second treatment affects the vinyl to a depth of about ten molecular layers and becomes part of the grove wall. There are no surface residues that can be picked up by the stylus. In fact, overuse is harmless."

With this in mind, wouldn't the benefit still be there after applying then re-washing the record? I would think so.

Back in the 1980s I called the LAST company and to my great surprise was put through to the chemist who formulated the stuff. I wanted to know if record cleaning fluid would remove his product. He said that the only thing that would take it off a record was a nasty industrial solvent unavailable to consumers. On the other hand, Duane Goldman, the creator of the Disc Doctor line, told me that his cleaner absolutely will remove Last record preservative. Until an audiophile chemist tests both claims (paging Myles Astor!) there's no definitive answer.

I have noticed a roll off in the high end after using Last, but after careful listening I think there is a very fine grain that is mistaken for extended high frequency responce that Last eliminates. Listen carefully.
Marty is correct - it is reducing tracing distortion somewhat, and in doing so reduces harmonic distortion.
I've had a bottle of Last I haven't used in years. Just listened and applied it to a record. I like it and agree with Marty t. It's returning to my cleaning regimen. (and I'll have to buy a new bottle soon)

For cleaning I use a VPI 16.5, Premeir First, then Record Research Deep, then RR Wash, Last.

Thanks for the thread...