Thank you for your responses. I really appreciate all the great information and advice from you all. I am new to vinyl, so all of your experience really helps! Some of you have mentioned that by applying LAST preservative, there is a reduction in grain at higher frequencies. Would you please elaborate more, or describe what you are hearing or not hearing. I have treated several more of my used records with mixed results. I have noticed that the highs seem to be a bit better if i use the Stylast treatment with those records treated with the preservative.
Do most of you use the application brush that comes with the LAST kit, or do you use an aftermarket brush. Also, do you use the recommended amount of fluid for each application, or do you find that you need to add more fluid to the brush? It seems like the fluid visibly evaporates after a quarter of a turn on my VPI 16.5 when I use the recommended amount fluid per the instructions. Should i be repeating the application so visibly I can see an even distribution of the LAST preservative on the LP?
Thanks again for all your help and info!