Raven One Motor Noise Problem

I've just received my Raven One and have not played an LP because I'm waiting to get my amp back from CJ.

When it's quiet in my room, I can hear the motor when standing in front of the TT at 33rpm...Not noisy but audible. When I switch the speed to 45rpm it's dead silent but the noise comes back switching to 33.

Has anyone experienced this with their Raven?
Has anyone experienced this with their Raven?
- Kennythekey -

Mine is totally dead silent 33rpm or 45
I use a normal pc AC power cord
Thanks guys, that's what I thought. I'm in contact now with the importer and we're checking it out. I'll let you know the outcome.
Thanks Jaybo, do you own the TT and have had a similar experience?

The offer to exchange the motor has already been made but I had a strange experience. After sticking a Vibrapod under the Stillpoint foot for the motor the noise went away. When it's quieter later this evening, I was going to check up on this to see if it's the motor or a resonating issue with the newer Stillpoints. Curious.


I just read your post. It sounds like you have your motor on the Stillpoints. The Stillpoints are to go only under the turntable. Please clarify. The motor should have adjustable feet that allow you to balance the motor perfectly and have rubber. If you place the motor on stillpoints of course you will have some vibration. A motor needs to be on a fixed mount.