Record Sleeve Recommendation

Any useful recommendation regarding record sleeves?

I've read the MOFI's can snag and the generic polylined sleeves leave a small portion of the record exposed....

Doug: The problem with [us] using the MoFi sleeves is that the MoFi sleeves were originally designed for use with a cardboard inner sleeve. This cardboard sleeve allows the record in the thin HDPE sleeve to be inserted into the jacket cover vis a vis the MoFi releases, without the fold over effect commonly seen with all HDPE sleeves (though the sleeves that Music Matter Jazz reissues have switched to are better-though don't know if they're commercially available-and one might have some other reservations).

Myles Astor
Hi, Myles. Yes, the flexibility of the HDPE sleeve alone is a drawback. The HDPE sleeves with the paper insert panel(the "Ultimate") sold by Sleeve City would be ideal if the dimensions were corrected. They provide the benefits of the HDPE material with the stiffness of a paper sleeve. I'd buy a bunch of them if their supplier is able to fix the problem of inconsistent sizing.

Hi Myles,

Understood. I have plenty of MFSL's with the cardboard inner.

Still, provided we're careful, we rarely snag or hang up a corner when sliding a MoFi/HDPE sleeve directly into a non-MFSL outer jacket. Practice, practice, practice...?

Plenty of practice, believe me :) In fact, maybe way too much :)

One thing to remember: not all record jackets are cut the same size. Consequently, it's not always possible to smoothly slide the HDPE/LP combo into the jacket without the corner folding over.


I have not tried many of them to compare, but I like very much Nagaoka sleeves. Look at ebay.