Definitive Beethoven's 9th recording

What is the best performance of this legendary composition?
Karajan/Berlin Philharmonic on Duetsche Grammophon late 70s version, without question.
I also stay for Karajan and Bernstein IF you can't get
Moscow Radio Symphony orchestra with Svetlanov IF you're able to get it. Unfortunately I did not keep track on solo male vocals.
I consider this piece one of my favourites.
Just curious, for those that voted for other recordings, have any of you heard the Walter/Columbia recording? In a comparison with your favorite?
Listened to it on LP years ago - i liked his 6th much more. Kept the 6th. I haven't compared his 9th to my current favorites - knowing what i do about Walters during those columbia years i can't imagine they would sound much like Harnoncourt's. I enjoyed his Bruckner 9th, all of his Brahms, his Dvorak 7&8, and his Mozart.....all nice warmhearted performances & recordings. Even the CD's arn't bad.
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