LAST - then and now?

Have been enjoying hauling records out of storage and listening to stuff I haven't heard in years. One thing I have noticed is that the records treated with LAST (probably a good 15 years or more ago) have held up really well.I know part of this is the cleaning on a Keith Monks machine they got before applying LAST - and possibly more importantly - I only went to the trouble with stuff I really liked.
At any rate - my question is this - has the base of the LAST product changed over the years? So many cleaning products were Freon based and are no longer made or made with different chemicals - does anyone know if LAST today is chemically identical to what it was 15 years ago?
Ag insider logo xs@2xstonedeaf
Hey if dish it out you gotta take it.

I said Meager as a joke as the SOTA is the best turn table I will ever own. Bold and highlight I in that statement. I also love it and I am DONE. Better Tables are out there, GREAT!!!! Go buy one.

My FR is aligned and fussed with in the best audiophile tradition. Hell, Mr. Van den Hul rebuilt two of my cartridges as I won't give my FR's up in any event.

I also have records from the 50's, most of them chewed up and snap and crack fests. LAST has "helped" some of those records in reducing surface noise.

In this hobby where money is tossed around like an afterthought for those on the fence, spend forty freaking dollars and do your own determination.

I posted as I believe anyone who seriously spins vinyl without using LAST is nuts.
I've been following this "discussion". All I can say is I love this hobby. ;O)

Last Dealer
Oh yeah, if you buy it and it doesn't work well in thirty years, feel free to return the unused portion and I'll refund your money.