The best speaker you ever heard?

In my opinion, the speaker is by far the most important part of the audio system. After all, it is the only part you hear. OK, the other stuff really matters a lot, but without a great speaker... No go.

I am a bit 'speaker-obsessed' I guess, and now I am wondering: What are the best speakers you have ever heard, and what made them the best?
The 'big boys', I don't remember the model numbers and am too lazy to look it up Tbg.
All I know is, that the promise of 'live music' was as closely realized as I have ever experienced.
Before, room, power, etc. all conspired to 'limit' the experience. Not this time. They were everything, if money were no object, that I'd chose for the perfect system.
I'd do it realizing that all elements necessary for great sound would have to be attended to. Do what the great Winston Ma, did (First Impressions Music and a friend an colleague) when he built his 'listening room' in his beautiful home. "MAKE IT PERFECT" only if you want the sound to be as good as it can be.

But, they really were/are magic in all facets of sound reproduction for my taste--Dynamically accurate, Tonally accurate, Spatially Accurate, (if this sounds a little like a Jim Thiel seminar, it's because that's where I learned it).

Having played Alto Sax for more years than I care to admit, I've been in live music scenarios thousands of times...the unamplified kind...and wow, that's what these are capable of.
If only...$$$$$$

I used to think the 901's were the best ever for many years. Thank god I stopeed dropping acid and drinking my breakfast. lunch and dinner. Then when I stopped doing heavy drugs and only smoked crack, I was in love with B&W. Now that I have put the crack pipe down I realize which speakers are not the best in the world; Boze and B&W.
Mpit, BUT have you heard BOSE's newest 901's yet??? Crossoverless speakers have a certain Musicality NO Other speaker design concept has EVER matched....apparently, most crossovers interfere with the most critical parts of the audio spectrum and elimination of the same results in a Natural/Emotional Delivery, beyond scientifically explainable proof.
Hifisoundguy, as usual, you've hit it right on...

The 901's because of the 360 degree uneven dispersion is quite a bit trickier to set up--and the room becomes an increasingly greater part of the sound, but when right that 3D, soundstage with instruments lurking in a place in space, with a wide and deep holographic sound stage takes on an almost 'visual' quality.

Of course you need the right amp and room setup to appreciate the 901's, they need power, lots of power like an MBL. so an MBL type amp, pre-amp will get them singing or use that monster Bose amplifier originally made to drive them.

Who would have thunk it...

Hifisoundguy - Yeah, but...
When I think of crossoverless speakers I think of 1 driver, maybe 2 in parallel. I would think that 9 drivers would defeat a great deal of the benefit of a crossoverless design. That being coherence.
But I know you like the 901 Vs, and that's all that counts in the end.