Has anyoe had problems using the mint LP tractor

I have just spent about 2 or 3 hours trying to reset my cartridge using my newly acquired Mint LP Tractor and quite frankly I have found the whole experience very frustrating. I have put it down to inexperience on my part and aging eyesight........... surely I can't be the only person who has experienced difficulties, although reading the various threads here on the tractor it's beginning to look like I am!!! I intend having another attempt in a day or so, in the meantime any advice from the 'professionals' would be welcome.
A friend bought one, (based upon my recommendation after seeing all the glowing reviews), for me to use in setting up his turntables. (He had two identical Basis 2500 turntables with Vector tonearms.) And while I had never used one before, I found it rather easy to use, (and even better than the Basis protractor to be perfectly honest).

And boy, was I was really glad that it worked so well, since he bought it strictly based upon my recommendation!

However, I will agree with you that having really good close up eyesight is a good thing when using it, (or any protractor for that matter).

Good Luck in your second attempt.
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Hi, like you, I have had trouble due to the myth of the Golden Years, but I found if you get your table to the brightest possible source of light, might even try direct sunlight, and get a magnified lighted loupe (of which I got two, one of which was lighted, when I ordered my Mint from Yip.) Just practice looking at your stylus and the lines on the tractor before you even try to make adjustments, and after awhile, you should learn how to best see what you need to accomplish your goal. I use both loupes at different times, using a mini-maglite with the unlighted one. As Yip admonishes , just relax, don't stress, it's not brain surgery, and you can stop and rest at any time. The most important thing I have learned, other than ya gotta see what yer doin', is to get the best possible results, having the front of the cartridge body parallel to the front edge of the headshell is critical. Other than that, It's very easy to do, once you get used to it. If you have trouble, email me, I'll see if I can lend a hand.

Best of luck, regards,