Thanks for all the responses. Doug is correct - I hadn't even heard the Triplanar and was already wondering about the Graham because I probably read to much into some of the threads here. This wasn't so much about gear lust or desiring something new but wanting reassurance that synergy wasn't going to be an issue. I've made some huge mistakes when it comes to synergy...
In any case, I adore the Tri-planar. I've had it for a few weeks now and while awaiting the table I explored it and got familar with it the best I could. Yesterday I set it up on my new Raven One and was blown away by how easy it is to adjust the various parameters (e.g. you can adjust azimuth without messing up VTF). I was not impressed by the setup instructions and had to cry out for help (many thanks to Jeff at High Water Sound and Doug Deacon for coming to my rescue).
In any case, I've crossed a threshold in terms of analog performance. With my fairly quick alignment (adjusted the cartridge ONCE and once only - that alone should tell you a lot), zero damping, middle of the road VTF/VTA I finally listened last night and my jaw dropped. What I heard was right up there with the some of the best sounding systems I have ever heard. I finally heard beautiful extended highs full of detail. Overall frequency balance was wonderful and all instruments sounded tonally spot on. I could turn up the volume without any grain or harshness. I guess I never really 'heard' an XV-1s before. I admit I'm shocked to find a table and arm could make this much difference. I can only imagine what it'll sound like when I get it setup properly.
I'm pretty close to being 'done' with the wanderlust. I have hours in front of me packing up gear that I've sold or need to sell. My basement feels like a warehouse and I'm tired. But I've finally got a system that gives me enjoyment (both digitially and analog) and apart from deciding between two preamps and some interconnects, I think I'm done.
Oh and Thom: you've been very gracious and always given me great advice - I've been meaning to thank you.
In any case, I adore the Tri-planar. I've had it for a few weeks now and while awaiting the table I explored it and got familar with it the best I could. Yesterday I set it up on my new Raven One and was blown away by how easy it is to adjust the various parameters (e.g. you can adjust azimuth without messing up VTF). I was not impressed by the setup instructions and had to cry out for help (many thanks to Jeff at High Water Sound and Doug Deacon for coming to my rescue).
In any case, I've crossed a threshold in terms of analog performance. With my fairly quick alignment (adjusted the cartridge ONCE and once only - that alone should tell you a lot), zero damping, middle of the road VTF/VTA I finally listened last night and my jaw dropped. What I heard was right up there with the some of the best sounding systems I have ever heard. I finally heard beautiful extended highs full of detail. Overall frequency balance was wonderful and all instruments sounded tonally spot on. I could turn up the volume without any grain or harshness. I guess I never really 'heard' an XV-1s before. I admit I'm shocked to find a table and arm could make this much difference. I can only imagine what it'll sound like when I get it setup properly.
I'm pretty close to being 'done' with the wanderlust. I have hours in front of me packing up gear that I've sold or need to sell. My basement feels like a warehouse and I'm tired. But I've finally got a system that gives me enjoyment (both digitially and analog) and apart from deciding between two preamps and some interconnects, I think I'm done.
Oh and Thom: you've been very gracious and always given me great advice - I've been meaning to thank you.