Help interpreting tuner specs

These are the readings from my old tuner after testing: Distortion @ 1 kHz - 100% modulation

Left Wide IF mode 0.053% Narrow Mode 0.18%
Right Wide IF mode 0.054% Narrow Mode 0.18%

Stereo Separation @ 1 kHz - 100% modulation

Left into Right Wide IF mode 64 dB Narrow 57 dB
Right into Left Wide IF mode 63 dB Narrow 56 dB

65 dBf RF input quieting - unweighted (Signal to Noise Ratio)

Mono -72 dB
Stereo -75 dB

50 dB quieting points - unweighted (Sensitivity)

Mono 0.5 uV
Stereo 22 uV

Do these readings represent good tuner specs?
I did some calculations on the 50db quieting numbers, to convert them to dbf (decibels above a femtowatt, which is a quadrillionth of a watt).

If the tuner's antenna input is 75 ohms (i.e., a coaxial connector), 50 db quieting occurs at:

Mono: 5dbf
Stereo: 38dbf

If the tuner's antenna input is 300 ohms (i.e., screw terminals that accept 300 ohm twinlead), 50 db quieting occurs at:

Mono: -1dbf
Stereo: 32dbf

The stereo numbers appear reasonably decent but not exceptional. The mono numbers, as I indicated above, appear to be too good to be true, and I suspect represent a mistake.

You can find the numbers for a great many tuners here:

-- Al
I agree with Al, these look like extremely good numbers.

I find measured sensitivity numbers a bit difficult to correlate on my own test bench, and there are a few sources of possible error. First, many FM generators (like my old Sound Technology 1000A) have a 50-ohm output, so you need to use a matching network for proper calibration of the output into either a 75-ohm or a 300-ohm antenna input, and add the attenuation of this network to the signal-level dial calibration. Second, I find that there are a handful of RF-noisy devices around my bench, and sometimes don't feel like turning them all off to get a super-precise measurement. And there's the matter of the disparity of your mono vs. stereo readings - if the composite or pilot modulation level on the signal generator is off a bit, then it will show up here.

But if your tuner is indeed acheiving the performance you describe . . . it's working just fine.
Thank you for the responses. My thirty-two year old tuner recently has some modifications and an alignment by a respected broadcast engineer and circuit designer.
I have recently rekindled my interest in audio components. I was an avid hobbyist in the late 70's, early 80's. I have the Carver tx11 tuner (FM only) and used it at Marlboro College in southern Vermont, hooked it up to regular radio shack or whatever dipole antenna stretched across the wall. This tuner is amazing. My receivers of the day in this decade were Technics, JVC, Harmon Kardon, Denon. Their tuner sections were vastly inferior. I picked up Long Island fm from Marlboro, Vermot. I could differetiate between many classic rock stations close together on the dial out of Worcester, Mass(WAAF), Hartford , Ct(10.9, wccc?), New Haven Ct (WPLR), etc.